Quotes From Manoj Charles

Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

It is Jesus' desire to raise up sons and daughters in the earth who will do the works which He did, and even greater works.

Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

Your life in Christ is meant to be changing the lives around you no matter where you are and what sphere of influence God has placed you in

One of the functions of the Prophetic is to help unlock individual’s purpose and destiny in God.

When we know the ways of God the supernatural will become a Norm.

Every believer has a role to play in what God is doing in the earth today, We must shift from being just spectators to becoming participators.

Radical obedience to God’s voice is key to go to the next level.

We must allow God to deal with how we see ourselves, so that we can start seeing our lives from His vantage point.

Never loose the awareness of the God with whom all things are possible.

God is raising up Supernatural believers in the seven mountains of society.