About Manoj & Chaitanya

Who We Are
Manoj Charles is an Ordained minister and Gifted Prophetic Voice to the body of Christ and to the nations. His burden and Passion is to see the Church equipped powerfully in the Prophetic and the Supernatural also in Character and the Word.
He is the founder at Kingdom Equipping global’a ministry focused towards equipping and training believers for the work of ministry and to see the body of Christ mature and come to the full stature in Christ Ephesians4:11-13).
As the Lord leads they also conduct Prophetic Schools and Conferences with a focus to train believers to operate through their spiritual senses so that believers can be powerfully equipped to impact the sphere of influence God has placed them in. In the year 2024 Prophet Manoj Charles launched ‘Building Naioth’ a school of the Spirit with a vision to build a Prophetic coummunity in the city of Bangalore. Manoj heart’s cry to see God bring revival and awakening in this generation is contagious.
Married to Chaithanya Manoj, they have two Children’ Adiel Evan Jeremiah & Nathan Josiah presently residing in Bangalore(India).
Our Vision
A Ministry focused towards equipping and training believers (Ephesians 4:11-13)in the Prophetic and Supernatural, also in Character and the Word to impact the sphere of influence God has placed them in with the purpose being to establish the Kingdom .

Speaking Engagements
If you would like to request Prophet Manoj Charles to attend and speak at your next engagement, you can make the request here.